Lymph Love


Our lymphatic system relies on movement and healthy mobility of the joints and fascia to optimize flow throughout the body. When these fluids channels get blocked or clogged or have diminished flow we tend to have stagnant swelling which causes toxicity, pain, and dysfunction, not to mention poor health. Keeping your lymph happy means feeling better all around.

This full length regen session using breathing, imagery, and movement helps to open up areas of blockage and decrease stagnation.

You will feel an improvement of spinal mobility, general full body mobility, and energy. If you have noticeable areas of swelling you will likely see a decrease within the session or by 24hrs later.

No props are needed in this session, though a pillow, bolster, or towel roll could be helpful for seated positions. It is 40min long and uses a body scan in standing as the check in to improve body awareness.

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