Parasympathetic Nervous System Neural Reset

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This is one of my favorite neural resets or techniques to improve parasympathetic activity.

Our scalp sensation is innervated by the trigeminal nerve and occipital nerve. They actually form an anastomoses with each other.

The trigeminal nerve is a very powerful parasympathetic nerve as well as is a nerve that can regulate tension and pressure in our cranium.

This means this simple technique of a scalp massage or hair pull can instantly change our heart rate, respiratory rate and mobility.

This technique can shift us into a more relaxed, restful state that supports our bodily functions and self healing capabilities.

Be sure to check in before hand with any aches or pains or mobility concerns you have or even check your heart rate. Do the technique and recheck to see how easily things shift.

This can be a great place to focus before a mobility session, before eating, or before sleep. Or simply to take a moment to rest. Check out my Regen Sessions for more!


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