I teach physical therapists, athletic trainers, chiropractors, massage therapists, strength coaches, and movement professionals how to get better outcomes, even for the most difficult, complex cases, so they can feel confident to guarantee results in 1-3 visits for their clients.

If you consider yourself a lifelong learner like me, then you’re interested in more than doing the bare minimum and checking CEUs off a list at the end of a reporting period—you genuinely care about learning new techniques, philosophies, and methods of assessment, treatment, exercise, and healing, because more than anything, you want to do better for your clients. However, you may have found that most education programs, certifications, and mentorships out there feel a little… repetitive. And stale. And maybe even a bit outdated or too “one size fits all” for you.


The MovementREV Method

The MovementREV Method uses a precise and specific assessment and treatment approach operating in a whole-organism paradigm, not just a biomechanical one.

The method is rooted in the belief that the patient’s body is the expert and has a capacity for self-healing. The MovementREV Method is organized by the REV UP system.

The MovementREV REV UP System:

Resiliency of the of the Autonomic Nervous System

Assess the ANS balance, promote safety, and honor the ANS drive for survival, operating in the whole organism lens of view and by meeting the body where it is during treatment utilizing the LTAP™, manual therapy, exercise, and props to create safety and facilitate rest, regeneration, healing, and recovery.

Evaluate and Listen To The Body

Listen to the body through a hands-on orthopedic and subjective assessment using the locator test assessment protocol (LTAP)™. Learn to trust your hands and the wisdom of the body (both yours and your clients’) by cultivating improved body awareness through exercise and practice of assessment and reassessment throughout a treatment session.

Neuro-visceral hierarchy / Whole Organism Lens

Looking and working beyond the musculoskeletal system and biomechanics, approaching movement dysfunction and pathology from a visceral and neural-based hierarchy lens of view, integrating osteopathic philosophies and principles into orthopedic sports medicine.


Appreciating the layers of life (physical and emotional) stored in the body's tissue, treatment is always directed at the highest priority, per the wisdom of the body, which means each session is specific and unique to that body. Targeting the highest priority area that the body is protecting allows for an immediate shift of the nervous system to safety and regeneration. It ensures the greatest opportunity for improving pain, dynamic alignment, and movement.

Prioritize Movement + Fascial Tensegrity

Improving and optimizing movement is always the focus. Movement and health are intimately integrated. Movement is approached within the fascial tensegrity system, utilizing an understanding of motor development fundamentals: the sensory organs, breath, and force coupling to ensure dynamic alignment and efficient motor skill acquisition and improved performance.

MovementREV Mission:

To teach as many athletes and healthcare professionals as possible how to trust the body, optimize recovery, and improve performance by considering the whole organism, not just the whole body.

Ways to join the REVolution

LTAP™ Level 1 Course and Certification

A 6 week live online course, and/or a 2 day in-person course that teaches healthcare professionals the MovementREV Locator Test Assessment Protocol (LTAP). The LTAP is designed to clearly identify where pain, injury, or dysfunction is coming from so you can get the best results, even for the most difficult client cases. how LTAP is rooted in the belief that the patient’s body knows best. The LTAP is a sequence of orthopedic-based tests that use osteopathic principles to “listen to the body” to determine where to begin treatment. The goal is to determine if the body is protecting something in the viscera or nervous system. When the body is protecting these important structures it manifests as limited joint mobility, altered motor control, and pain anywhere in the body.

Self-Paced Online Education

18+ hrs of continuing education courses that are designed to give you solutions for specific problems. Learn assessment and intervention techniques to help you provide targeted and successful intervention approaches for anyone you work with.

The Unreal Results Podcast for Physical Therapists and Athletic Trainers

Anna’s signature podcast with over 25K downloads helps healthcare providers feel confident and have better outcomes by teaching about the influence of the viscera organs and the nervous system on human movement, pain, and injury.

Professional Athlete Private Consulting for Injury, Recovery, and Performance

Are you a professional athlete interested in working with Anna? She’d love to connect with you.